Like every year in July the island of Ischia and especially Lacco Ameno lights up with stars. This year a week earlier than the usual dates the Ischia Global Film Festival took place. The creator, artistic director and showman Pascal Vicedomini has been enriching our island since 2003 with the now historic cinema and music festival. The histrion of always being aimed at the international scene always maintains a particular attention for the new talents of the current artistic scene. This year the festival was chaired by Irish director James Sheridan and English producer Trudy Styler. Godmother of the festival Madalina Ghenea who accompanied the countless guests on the gala evenings including world premieres and a rich film programme. Many winners were Matteo Garrone, Lina Sastri, Beatrice Vendramin, Eva Cela, Cristiana Dell'Anna, Maria Pia Ammirati and Gloria Guida. In this year's program I noticed particular attention to the increasingly current issues of sustainability and artificial intelligence.
For those who are more interested in the glam part of the event, this week we see our main street, Corso Angelo Rizzoli, become the catwalk of international artists but also of extravagant characters, beautiful women and men, artists who reach our island to immerse themselves in the The Hollywood atmosphere of the festival, to make new contacts, to have fun.
In addition to a whole series of events and screenings which are embellished by the presence of directors or protagonists of the film or music scene, this year we had the honor of having Sting as a guest, the evenings by invitation and the private final evening are certainly the most coveted.
The home of the festival is the Hotel della Regina Isabella in Lacco Ameno where the artists are hosted and where the final evening of the festival has always taken place with dinner, awards, music and the subsequent party, which lasted until late at night. Among this year's exclusive locations, our special guests were able to enjoy the views and hospitality of Tenuta Incanto in Forio, the hotel la Madonnina in Casamicciola and the Michelangelo Tower in Carta Romana.
We leave you with a little video with i protagonists and the highlights of these magical evenings on Ischia and the hope that you could have us as guests for the next island event.